Ethos Team

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Ethos Team – what we do
At Leasowes High School, we have partnered with Grace Foundation who are working with us from the inside out to support the aspirational, relational and spiritual needs of students and their families through the work of our Ethos Team.
Our Ethos team work onsite and consist of an Ethos Leader, Youth Worker and Family Support Worker and they work to create and implement the Ethos Programme.
Our Ethos programme focuses on the following areas:
Building Healthy Relationships
Developing character & values
Understanding Christian Perspectives.
The Ethos programme is delivered through:
Pastoral support & creating a safe space for students
Supporting families, practically and emotionally
Lunch clubs
1-1 & group interventions
Enrichment days looking at Building Healthy Relationships & Developing Character and Values
Supporting RE curriculum with topics such as Christmas, Easter, Understanding Christian Perspectives, and Interfaith days.
Thrive – group exploring the Christian faith
Student exam support
Careers workshops
Themed weeks, tutor times & assemblies
For more information about Grace Foundation visit the website:
Ethos Team – Who we are
Ethos Lead- Mrs Helen Akhyani
Working days- Monday to Friday
As the Ethos Leader, I lead the work of the Ethos Team in Leasowes to embed a whole school approach that includes curriculum contributions, lessons, drop-down days, intervention groups, enrichment activities, workshops, assemblies & special events. This contributes towards the schools’ OFSTED outcomes, particularly the Personal Development and Behaviour & Attitudes judgements.
Ethos Family Support Worker- Mrs Holly Mansell
Working days- Monday to Friday
As the Family Support worker, I am here to support families. My work is student-centred and led by the needs of each family. I help students who are experiencing difficulties in school or at home which can have a long-term impact by improving attendance, behaviour, self-esteem, and confidence whilst helping overcoming obstacles to learning, and raising aspirations.
I support families with parental support, practical solutions for families, education and attendance support, budget coaching and benefits advice, safeguarding referrals, and health, wellbeing and emotional support.
Ethos Youth Worker- Mrs Natalie Summers
Working days- Wednesday to Friday
As the youth worker, I support students with interventions for tackling low self-esteem, anxiety, anger, resilience, loss, and behaviour difficulties. I also run lunch club, drop-ins, lessons, assemblies, special events and activities and emotional wellbeing support.
My aim is to help students to grow in every area of their education and lives, enabling them to reach their full potential. Onsite our Ethos Rooms provide a safe space for students to engage with our team, which supports safeguarding needs.
If you need support from the Ethos Team, please contact us through the school number.