Welcome to Science
Ms Lucy Smith Curriculum Manager
Miss Lynn Goodwin Deputy Curriculum Manager
Mrs Nicki Hayden-Wright Assistant Curriculum Manager
Mr Richard Everest Teacher of Science
Miss Amy Mcenery-Coomby Teacher of Science
Ms Giulia Vespi Teacher of Science
Miss April Taylor Science Teacher
Miss Lucy Ridley Assistant Head, Science Teacher, Sixth Form
Mr Jason Sprintall Associate Senior Leader, Head of Year 7, Science Teacher
At Key Stage Three (Years 7 – 9) the students are taught Science which will cover a range of topics in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The main purpose is to develop an inquisitive mind and an enthusiasm for science and technology. As well as developing a range of practical skills, science will also develop analytical and problem-solving skills. The topics studied will build on their knowledge from Key stage one and two and will build a good foundation for their studies at key stage 4.
At Key stage four students can opt to study either a combined science course which is worth two GCSE grades, or they can opt for Triple Science which will see students awarded a grade in Biology, Chemistry and Physics separately. Triple Science is a great opportunity for those students who are keen to pursue a career path in the science field.